Ten Ways to Help you Motivate Students


You might be successful at motivating students during the day by providing rewards and motivators.

Here are 10 ways you can motivate your students using rewards:

  1. Certificates: Print blank certificates. Fill these out for exceptional students at the end of the day.
  2. Pencils, Erasers and Pens: Keep a stash of colorful pencils and pens for rewards.
  3. Stickers: Stickers can be given throughout the day to students who have stayed on task or placed directly on outstanding work.
  4. Tickets: Throughout the day or period give students tickets for staying on task, cooperating and following directions. Tickets can be turned in at end of period of end of day for a special prize.
  5. Extra Recess Time: Allow 5 minutes extra of recess time is usually a good motivator for many students, however, you will need to check with administration to see if this feasible.
  6. Privilege Cards: Reward individual students for good work or appropriate behavior with special privileges. Examples of appropriate behavior are being first in line, getting a drink, being teacher's assistant for an activity, choosing the day end activity.
  7. Fun Activity: Promising students of a fun activity at end of the day can be motivating for hours.
  8. Story Time: Every time students are behaving well, write a letter on the board, at end of the day if they spell out the word crocodile for example, they get to hear the story.
  9. Estimation Jar: Fill a jar with pennies, beans, or rubber bands. Recognize students who are on task, working hard, or setting a good example, by giving them a slip of paper with their name on it and guess the number of items in the jar. At end of day reveal the number of items in the jar and give the jar to the student who guesses the closet.
  10. Talk time: Allow students to move to another seat close to a friend to visit for the last 3 minutes of class. 


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