
Secretarial/Clerical/Administrative Job Pretend and Public Speaking/Persuasion Activity for High School Students

  Creative ideas sometimes come to me when I am half awake and half asleep. I had one of those today. Job and/or Career Pretend Activities. I am planning to sub for the high schools. Most of the time the teacher leaves behind an adequate lesson plan that keeps them busy the entire period, but for those off days, I have come up with a personal plan using materials I found on educational websites especially for high school students. I like jobs, and careers, so I think High School is the perfect time to start thinking about and preparing for jobs after high school or college. My activity will be to have about a 4 page article ready (copied from the educational sites) to be copied for the entire class. Actually this will be 2 activities, but time might not allow both activities in one class. The first part of my activity will be to ask for 2 volunteers in the class, male or female, who are interested in working as administrative assistants, clerical assistants, or secretaries after high s

Pocedural Expectations

  Four things students need to know to successfully meet expectations you establish: what it is they are suppose to do how they are expected to do it where the necessary tools are how much time they have to complete the task You should explain procedural expectations in a step by step process. expectations should be restated by the students and role played until you are sure the student understands what is expected of them ask students to raise their hands when they understand the expectations What should you do if a student fails your expectations? Turn your attention toward the compliant student and away from the non-compliant student. Acknowledge the correct answer and appropriate behavior

Ten Ways to Help you Motivate Students

  You might be successful at motivating students during the day by providing rewards and motivators. Here are 10 ways you can motivate your students using rewards: Certificates: Print blank certificates. Fill these out for exceptional students at the end of the day. Pencils, Erasers and Pens: Keep a stash of colorful pencils and pens for rewards. Stickers: Stickers can be given throughout the day to students who have stayed on task or placed directly on outstanding work. Tickets: Throughout the day or period give students tickets for staying on task, cooperating and following directions. Tickets can be turned in at end of period of end of day for a special prize. Extra Recess Time: Allow 5 minutes extra of recess time is usually a good motivator for many students, however, you will need to check with administration to see if this feasible. Privilege Cards: Reward individual students for good work or appropriate behavior with special privileges. Examples of appropriate behavior are bein

Ways to Track Positive Interactions

  Two ways to help you track positive interactions with students are: Place 30 or more small items in one pocket. It can be pennies, beans, or paper clips. Each time you have a positive interaction with a student move one item to another pocket. Your goal should be 3 times per day you move items one pocket or another. Use the class roster to put tally marks next to the name of student you have a positive interaction. This method helps you gain a clear idea of which students you have praised and which ones you need to praise. Goal: Is to make sure have an equal amount of positive interactions with all students.

Five Conditions of Praise

 Here are five conditions of giving praise to students: Praise actions we genuinely appreciate. Praise a specific action rather than saying "good job." For example, "this is a very good piece of writing." Give praise immediately. You should praise students for no other reason except your sincere gratitude. Praise students in private rather than in front of peers and other people. Some of the very best ways to interact positively with students is a verbal praise, a nod of the head, or a smile. In situations where you cannot think of a genuine praise, saying nothing at all unless you can say something with a high probability of making things better. Today, many people feel that praise is an effective way to reenforce good behavior.

A Skill to Increase Positive Interactions: Praising Appropriate Behaviors Abundantly

A skill to increase positive interactions with students is "praising appropriate behaviors." Best practicing substitute teachers will always be on the look out for good or appropriate behaviors. Praising good behaviors is a skill that will help decrease inappropriate behaviors. Whatever behavior a teacher gives the most attention to in the classroom is the one that will set the tone for the entire class; be sure it is an appropriate behavior. If you find that most of your time is spent on reacting to inappropriate behaviors you will be reenforcing these behaviors to continue in abundance. Maintain a high level of positive interactions. Look for good behavior and accentuate on that behavior. Research shows students will be more likely to follow directions, will feel safer, will volunteer more easily and hang out in your classroom more often. The following are examples of positive interactions with students: Positive feedbacks and compliments. For example, you are wearing a new

Three Ways to Minimize Time During Transitions of Activities

  Every class has students who will finish early. Often, a student who finishes early has time to produce some kind of inappropriate behavior. Your goal as a substitute teacher is to minimize this time and hopefully prevent inappropriate behaviors. Three techniques are: Start handing out worksheets or other materials while remaining students are still working. Begin to set materials aside for easier access to next activity. Write instructions and procedure expectations for the next activity on the board.